【Product Overview】

The ATC-850 module is a cost-effective way to convert RS485 industrial buses to a USB interface. When connected to a PC USB port the ATC-850 module is automatically detected and is installed as a native COM port which is compatible with any existing serial communication application. They have 600W protect between the USB port and RS-232 /422/485 protects. The ATC-850 has a 384 byte receive buffer with an adjustable timeout and a 128 byte transmit buffer with auto-transmit control. The ATC-850 makes it easier to add RS485 devices to your system with easy plug-and-play.

【Product Features】

Use chip FTDI industry in pieces
Compatible with USB1.1, 2.0, the maximum rate can be up to 12 MBPS
Virtual port application and driver installation pieces support system
Mixer serial transmission speed can reach 921.6 KBPS
Mixer three signal lamp TXD, RXD, PWRS
Mixer supports Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / / 7/8 / CE/Vista, MAC and Linux 2.4.20
Static mixer interface protection, signal lightning surge protection

【Product Parameters】
Interface standards Compatible USB1.0/1.1, 2.0, plug and play
The interface type The USB type A mouth
speed Full speed USB 12 MBPS
A serial port
The interface type 5,6,7,8,DB9 male head, six terminals
Data bits 5,6,7,8
Stop bit 1,1.5,2
parity bit None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark
Flow control RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF
I/O address The BIOS specified
IRQ The BIOS specified
FIFO 64 bytes
The interface protection All interface 15 kv esd protection
The isolation voltage 3500 VRMS 500 VDC isolation voltage continuously
The other parameters
Using the environment – 20 ℃ to 70 ℃.Relative humidity of 10% to 90%
Product appearance Support the standard DIN rail, and installation fixed easily,
Metal shell, anti-static, anti-interference.
100 mmx86mmx26mm
RS – 232 signal
Way to work Full duplex
The communication rate RS-232 300-460.8kbps
To protect the The RS – 232 interface 600 w lightning surge protection
RS-422 T+,T-,R+,R-  RS-485:485+,485-
manner of working Full duplex RS – 422, RS – 485 adaptive traffic control half duplexRS – 485 communication: support

RS – 485 most nodes is 32, RS – 485 communication longest distance of 1200 meters

RS-485 RS-422/485 300-921.6kbps
traffic rate The RS – 422 / RS – 485 interface 1000 w per line lightning surge protection


【Product Size Chart】





【Product Applications】

Company products are widely used with the electric power, industrial control, telecommunications, commerce, banking, insurance, security, smart CARDS, and other industries, production and sales of the products of the company, supporting complete, cost-effective, timely and thoughtful service. ATC – 850 is a USB transfer RS – 485/232/422 triad interface converter, surge protector, 600 w, 3500 VRMS 500 VDC isolation voltage continuously and protect the equipment from lightning. Products are widely used in the attendance, entrance guard, selling rice, monitor, car park management, and other fields. Good product not only implement different signal transformation, communication, also let your computer extend the serial port resources.

【Packing Checklist】
ATC-850Products 1PCS
ATC-850user’s manual 1PCS

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